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Welcome to Best Served, a podcast about Unsung Hospitality Heroes

Hu Will Care

Hu Will Care

by Ching-yuan Hu

Opinions expressed in this articles do not necessarily represent the point of view of Best Served. In furtherance of bringing more voices to the table we are committed to sharing varied thinking throughout the industry.

Look Hu’s Cooking is a dream that became a reality during the pandemic in 2020, my very own “Pandemic Pivot.”  Over the last year, the events / catering industry came to a halt, and my full time job turned into part time unemployment. I suddenly had a lot of time to reflect on when I have been the happiest in my life and what makes me happy now, even during social isolation. I was happy as the Kitchen Manager at eden bar & lounge and thrive off feeling that rush of a busy service. I am happy when I cook on the weekends at the Triangle. People, of course, think I’m a little odd for enjoying working on the weekends in addition to a full time career but I truly enjoy cooking food for the people I care about. 

I am happy cooking special meals with my partner and I am happy finding recipes for friends making drastic dietary changes for their health. I am committed to having gluten free, vegetarian, and vegan offerings for the friends I love and the friends I have yet to meet. 

Gatherings of family and friends have always centered around food. I want to share some of the recipes that I grew up with in a way that is convenient and accessible to people with dietary restrictions. My partner is gluten intolerant and we understand how frustrating it can be to find gluten free meals when eating out. I want anyone that approaches the Look Hu’s Cooking to be excited about all of the options they have to choose from. If there are any specific dietary needs / allergies, I enjoy the challenge of trying to make them a special meal to enjoy, that they know is safe for them.

I am so excited and a bit terrified for the opportunity to launch a food based business that is all my own. Look Hu’s Cooking is all about traditional recipes adapted for an inclusive menu. 

To learn more watch the video podcast, listen to the audio podcast, and visit the playlist.

Families thrive on tradition which yields a legacy to be left for future generations.  Restaurant owners help to create that legacy for their families and communities by opening new businesses.  7shifts is born out of Jordan Boesch’s relationship with his father, and the time they spent working together in his father’s restaurant.  It is because of this deep commitment to family and legacy Best Served is motivated to partner with 7shifts, underwriter of Best Served New.

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Ching-yuan Hu (pronounced Ching-wren Hu)

Growing up in a family where delicious home cooked meals were the norm, cooking was never something I really needed to worry about. Even when I was in college, my parents were a short 10-minute drive across town if I got hungry. I was the designated salad maker as a kid and eventually mastered making spaghetti, but that was the extent of my culinary skills. My interest in food began in my 20s when my father was put on dialysis and prescribed a special diet that was difficult for my mother to navigate. Helping her craft meals that were healthy and delicious created a passion for loving people through food.

In 2009-2010, I decided to make a drastic career switch.  I had been in print sales for years but realized I really enjoyed cooking. I made a plan to get a second degree at the Art Institute of Colorado but was delayed due to a work injury that required several surgeries and permanently limited movement in my right arm. Luckily, I was able to start culinary school online through virtual courses. While still on restrictions from my doctor, I moved to Denver in November of 2010 and started class in person in January.  In March 2010, I found a serving job at a local neighborhood bar and restaurant. The owners were working on opening another concept nearby and gave me the opportunity to be Kitchen Manager. In June of 2011 we opened “eden bar & lounge” and I began the relationship with my partner, Janece.

I dove into eden headfirst and dropped out of culinary school. It was proving challenging to balance starting a new concept and my class schedule. Plus, by leaving school, I saved myself a ton of student loan debt. Just over a year after opening, I was promoted to General Manager. After eden closed, I joined the team at EXDO Event Center as an Event Manager for almost 2 years.  During this time, EXDO dissolved their in-house catering company and we began working with multiple caterers from across Denver and beyond. Working with these companies and seeing their delicious creations reminded me of my passion for food and that I did not move to Denver to work in venue sales. In January 2015, my father suffered a brain hemorrhage and unexpectedly passed away. This life changing experience further encouraged me to pursue my dreams in the culinary world.  I applied for a position at Catering by Design and joined their team April 2015.

Janece and I often talk about our long-term dream of owning a brick & mortar space someday. However, the food truck opportunity landed in our laps and we couldn’t be more excited to bring some of the flavors of my past to life!

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