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Welcome to Best Served, a podcast about Unsung Hospitality Heroes

Look Hu’s Cooking Pays Homage To Chinese Immigrants Achieving The American Dream

Look Hu’s Cooking Pays Homage To Chinese Immigrants Achieving The American Dream

by Jensen Cummings

When you think about the journey that your ancestors had to embark upon and the sacrifices they had to make to get you here, what emotions does that fill you with? For Ching-yuan Hu, these moments of reflection inspired a culinary path that has led to Look Hu’s Cooking, a Denver based Chinese-American food truck. Why we do the work we do is always more motivating and empowering than the work itself. If you have a strong why, you will find a way to overcome any obstacle. Because you are driven by more than the food, more than the business, you are compelled to build a legacy. 

 Every story starts at the beginning even on Best Served New. The backstory, the origin story is what inspires us to amplify the worth and work of those who feed their community! It is only through a deep understanding of what makes an entrepreneur tick, that we can unlock their true mission and purpose. This core value is what will ultimately crystallize into the Sense of Belonging that every food business must cultivate. It can be challenging for “restaurant people” to think about more than just the food, drink, and service. It’s what we know. It’s what we have been trained to do and it’s what we create. 

“It’s just food.” We believe that food with meaning can bring joy, so it can change someone’s day and if you can change a day, you can change a life. Now, that simple, humble, street food Ching slings off the truck holds a very different opportunity to be inclusive and inspiring. 

Check out Chinese Immigrants, American Dream (audio podcast) to get a glimpse at how we take your backstory, establish “Why You Exist,” and build core messaging, like your Mission Story.

Families thrive on tradition which yields a legacy to be left for future generations. Restaurant owners help create that legacy for their families and communities by opening new businesses. 7shifts is born out of Jordan Boesch’s relationship with his father, and the time they spent working together in his father’s restaurant. It is because of this deep commitment to family and legacy Best Served is motivated to partner with 7shifts, underwriter of Best Served New.

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Jensen Cummings is a fifth-generation Chef & Certified Cicerone based in Denver, CO. His brands’ Best Served Creative and Best Served Podcast exist solely to unlock and amplify the worth and work of those who feed their community. From chefs to restaurant pros to farmers and every one in between, this work manifests with storytelling media, coaching, and strategy meant to acknowledge and empower people to do what they were meant to do. He is committed to hustle and communicate everyday to serve this mission. When he’s not out building a new model for restaurants that’s equitable, profitable, and sustainable, he’s spending precious time as a husband, a father, movie buff, beer nerd, and fan of the LA Dodgers.

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