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Welcome to Best Served, a podcast about Unsung Hospitality Heroes

Announcing the 86 86 86 Challenge

Announcing the 86 86 86 Challenge

This article was published June 29, 2021. The 86 86 86 Challenge has ended as of the beginning of November 2021. We are not accepting any more articles at this moment. We appreciate everyone who submitted articles and sponsored articles. All the articles are still available to read on our website. We hope to have more opportunities to pay writers for their articles in the future.

Best Served Podcast’s mission is to amplify the worth and work of those who feed their communities. With our latest initiative, the 86 86 86 Challenge, we are challenging ourselves to amplify 86 voices, 86 stories in 86 days paying the writers $86 for an article of their creation. We challenge our community to keep up, read all 86 stories, and support our Unsung Hospitality Heroes.

We are seeking articles (250-500 words) from anyone at any level, in any facet of the food world. There is no story too small. There is no need for a professional writer level ability. All that is required is a willingness to speak your truth. If you have ideas and stories inside you, want to hear them and we will publish your article even if you don’t think you’re a “good writer” or don’t trust that people will care to read your words. Do it!! Write an article. We believe in you!

The 86 86 86 Challenge will start August 16th and run until November 10th (86 days). Article submission NOW OPEN!!

Want to get involved? Here’s how:

Read an article

Write an article

Sponsor an article

This campaign will lay the groundwork for more of our Indispensable Unsung Hospitality Heroes to have ongoing ways to side hustle and make money on the Best Served platforms. From articles, to merch, to cooking classes and more, you’ll be able to have your own accounts and make money from content we help you curate and distribute. This is the long term vision we are striving for.

Below are some categories article topic can fall under:

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The first category is Workplace Stories. Why do you love your work place? Why do you hate it? What are the pain points or the joys of your work?

See these examples - Stay Hungry Stay Foolish by Ellen Duffy, How To Deal With Conflict In A Healthier Way In Restaurants by Katy Osuna, Are Stages Exploitative by William Salisbury

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The second category is food stories. Tell us about the best thing you ever ate? Family cookouts? Food systems? What are we eating next?

See these food story examples - How Chef Andrea Murdoch Advocates For Indigenous Communities Through Food by Andrea Murdoch, Deliver Me From Hunger by Alyssa Levine, One Night In Melbourne by Max Feist

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The third category is Leadership Relationship stories. Who are your Unsung Hospitality Heroes? What was the impact of your mentors? How do you cultivate a team?

See these leadership relationship story examples - Pizza Truck to Storefront by T. Chad Montgomery, Planting The Roots Of Culture In A Ragged Industry by Allen Plemmons, Game Plan by Kelvin Dooley

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The fourth and final category is Life Outside… Stories. What’s life like outside the industry? How is your mental health? Have you found work-life balance?

See these life outside… story examples - Do You Want Your Son To Be A Chef by Joshua Walbolt, The Kitchen Skaters by Tanner Price, The Road To Self Love by Kelly Schexnaildre

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How ever you contribute we are excited to see what our 86 86 86 Challenge brings to our industry and our community.

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